Barcode Verifiers

Frequently Asked Questions concerning 2D barcode readers

Q. My customer has rejected the barcoded labels on my shipment but I can read them easily in my facility. Why and what can I do?

A. Even though you can read them they might be of poor quality. You may need a true barcode verifier which will evaluate the quality of your printed codes. Most barcode scanners are very tolerant of poorly printed codes. However, only testing conformance to ISO/ANSI standards will guarantee readability by anyone in the supply chain


Q. Can I get a true verifier for both 1D and 2D codes?

A. Yes. Note that the 2D verification is symbology and size dependent


Q. Can we get a permanent record of the verification test results?

A. Yes. Outputs to Windows PC’s, MAC’s or portable, thermal printers are available.


Q. What is the cost of a verifier?

A. A verifier that will evaluate the quality of the printing to ISO/ANSI standards costs between $2200 and $7000 generally dependent on which barcode symbologies you have and their size.


Q. What do I need if I only want to confirm that the Alphanumeric content of the codes are correct?

A. A simple barcode reader tethered to a computer will do this. $150 and up. A more automated content comparator is $1200.


Q. Can I use a verifier portably anywhere in my warehouse or facility?

A. Yes. A portable handheld verifier with display will do this.